Monday 28 January 2019

R32 is now mainstream but are you ready?

R32 is now mainstream but are you ready?

Air conditioning trainer Ben Bartle-Ross looks at what installers need to know about R32

As a trainer, I see lots of installers both young and old and I’m still getting questions about the ‘new’ refrigerant, R32, which says to me that some in the industry are yet to embrace the change and the opportunity it brings.

We know there is still a lot of R410A equipment on the market and this will be the case for a few years to come, so there is still good business to be done for installers in the short term.

But looking further ahead, what opportunities to grow your business are you missing out on by not getting to grips with R32?

Transitioning market

Certainly when it comes to our big corporate customers, most of them have embraced R32 models because they want to benefit from using equipment with a lower global warming potential (GWP).

In the main, these models are also more efficient, bringing even more performance and benefits to customers. They do this using about 20% less overall refrigerant as well which helps with general installation costs.

This means there will be savings in running costs to benefit from as well – something that customers both large and small can benefit from.

Continue reading R32 is now mainstream but are you ready? at SPECIFIER REVIEW.


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