Saturday 23 February 2019

Building for a sustainable future

Building for a sustainable future

Kirsty Hammond, editor of Specifier Review looks at how far we have come towards sustainable construction.

It’s a well-known fact that we are in the midst of a housing crisis.  With environmental concerns evident, the pressure is on to not only to build quickly and efficiently, but to do so with energy efficiency and sustainability at the forefront of our minds.

But whilst we desperately need the ‘homes of the future’, we don’t have to wait for the solutions and technologies that can help ensure that these homes are much more sustainable than previously.

With advances in technology, research in sustainable materials and new building processes available, we have already come a long way …

There are multiple benefits from the offsite construction process as several articles have already focused on The Hub, including this one focusing on a recent event with George Clarke, where he calls on the industry to “stop building in fields”.

Wastage is minimised as the required building materials can be more accurately calculated, therefore saving money – which has to be good news in a tough economic climate.

Working offsite in a factory also delivers a controlled environment which improves working conditions for those involved. 

Continue reading Building for a sustainable future at SPECIFIER REVIEW.


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