Saturday 20 October 2018

The Top 5 things about R32

The Top 5 things about R32

So, what are the top 5 things you need to know about R32?

There’s been a lot of talk about R32 in the air conditioning world over the past few years, but if you haven’t yet installed a piece of R32 kit, what’s it all about?

If you have fitted some of our M Series (RAC) and Mr Slim (PAC) equipment available, what do you do when it comes to VRF?

There’s a lot to get your head around whenever there is a change within our industry, especially when it concerns refrigerant, but we’ve managed to condense this all down to the 5 key things you really need to understand now.

1. Why the change? And why now?

It’s all to do with the global warming potential or GWP of the refrigerants used within air conditioning systems.

If 1 kg of R410A was leaked into the atmosphere, it is calculated to cause 2,088 times more damage than releasing 1kg of CO2.

We therefore need to move to refrigerants with lower GWPs and R32, the latest one to be introduced has a GWP of 675, so is about a third of the impact of R410A.

Continue reading The Top 5 things about R32 at SPECIFIER REVIEW.


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